The governing law of this Contract shall be the substantive law of California. 这份合同的官方法律定为加利福尼亚洲当地法律。
Around this new institution a whole new branch of substantive law was to grow. 围绕着这个崭新的制度,一个全新的实体法分支开始发展起来。
The contract shall be governed by the substantive law of the supplier's country. 合同应当受卖方国家的实体法监管。
Hence the necessity and certainty of establishing a unified substantive law pace on the passage of ownership. 制定统一的所有权转移的实体法公约因此势在必行。
The international agreements containing conflict norms or substantive law rules form a special class and can be well separated from international agreements that create no direct rights. 这些包括了冲突法令和实体法规则,这些规则形成一个特殊的层级,可以从没有直接创造权利的国际条约中分离出来。
Oh, I see. Then, what about the applicable substantive law? 希:哦,我明白了,那就适用什么实体法呢?
The deep-seated reason of excluding alternative joinder is confusing substantive law with procedural law. 排斥重叠合并的深层原因是实体法与程序法的混同。
The application of the substantive law varied with three types, the general law, the special law and the combination of the general law and the special law. 清朝少数民族法律适用在程序法与实体法中有不同规定,实体法的适用上又具体分为适用一般法、特别法和一般法与特别法相结合三类。
Resultly, the A state court in accordance with national substantive law addresses the admissibility of foreign-related cases. 结果,甲国法院就根据本国的实体法处理了所受理的涉外案件。
The next chapter is dedicated to discuss requirements of the revocatory right from a substantive law perspective. 第二章是从实体法的视角论述信托受益人撤销权的要件。
Relevant procedural principle is to be familiar with before procedural role is established in substantive law. 可以在实体法中一并设立程序规范,但前提是已充分了解相关程序原理。
For settlement of disputes concerning to interpretation, violation, invalidity or execution of the contract, provisions of the substantive law of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied. 有关合同解释、违反、无效或执行的争议解决,采用乌兹别克斯坦共和国实体法规定处理。
The Theory of Substantive Law Violation and Its Significance to the Theory of Offence Formation in China; the unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonment. 实质违法性理论及其对我国犯罪构成理论的意义违反个人意志的诱骗拘禁他人的违法行为。
Substantive law defines rights, and procedural law establishes the procedures by which these rights are enforced and protected. 实体法界定权利,而程序法确认施行和保护这些权利的程序。
In essence, the criminal procedure law can be looked as the substantive law, which is the rules used to solve the substantive problems. 从本质上看,刑事诉讼海也可看成实体法,即解决实体问题的规则。
Substantive law is used to directly resolve the disputes, and procedural law provides for the procedure by which the court handles a case. 实体法被直接用于解决纠纷,而程序法规定法庭处理案件的程序。
The agreement shall be governed by the substantive law of the Republic of uzbekistan. 本协议应受乌兹别克斯坦共和国实体法管辖。
So far as contracts involving foreign investment in China are concerned, the Chinese substantive law will apply. 至于涉及外国在货投资合同,就得适用中国的实体法。
Convention on the unification of certain points of substantive law on patents for invention; 统一发明专利实体法的若干方面公约;
The choice and application of substantive law is the core of international commercial arbitral proceedings. 实体法的确定和适用,是国际商事仲裁程序的核心问题之一。
If you think that the foreign law should be applied is foreign substantive law, there is no renvoi problem. 如果认为应适用的外国法是该外国的实体法的话,则不存在反致问题。
Sometimes law is classified into substantive law and procedural law. 有时法律被划分为实体法和程序法。
It includes both the substantive law on civil rights and obligations as well the procedural law for the enforcement of those rights through court action. 它既包括实体法对公民权利和义务保障及约束,也涵盖了程序法对法院裁决的执行权。
It gave me excellent foundation knowledge of legal institutions, legal terminology, and substantive law. 它给了我极好的有关司法制度、法律术语、实体法等基础知识。
In our traditional juristical culture, the drawback that the substantive law has been attached more importance to than legal procedure has been all through the ages, and the design and application of the legal procedure has been received little attention. 在我国传统的法律文化中,历来有重实体而轻程序的积弊,程序设计和运用受到了不应有的冷落。
The branches of our legal system can be divided into substantive law and procedural law. 我们的法律体系可以被分为实体法和程序法。
The rules of law that are used to resolve disputes are referred to as substantive law. 用于实际裁决纠纷的法律被称为实体法。
The relationship between the Criminal Procedural Law and Criminal Law is just the one between the procedural law and substantive law is a very hot topic all the time. 刑事诉讼法与刑法的关系即诉讼法与实体法的关系,一直是学界热议的话题。
Therefore, a uniform convention of substantive law on the transfer of goods ownership should be formed. 因此,应制定有关货物所有权转移的统一实体法公约。
Any retroactive change of substantive law which reaches transactions and acts undertaken in justified reliance on the earlier law presents, therefore, a challenge to the sense of injustice. 真实法律的任何改变都是由追溯力的,就是关于初期法律提出的信任需要承担处理及效果,所以,这是对非正义感的一个挑战。